Why Join Zimbabwe Union of Journalists?
As a journalist, you face many challenges and risks in your work. You need a strong voice and a reliable support system to protect your rights and interests. That’s why joining ZUJ is a smart move. ZUJ can help you with legal advice, professional development, networking opportunities, and collective bargaining. By being part of ZUJ, you can also contribute to the advancement of journalism as a public service and a democratic institution.

It makes sense!
It makes sense for any practicing journalist to be a member of a Union which strives to promote and protect the interests of all media practitioners.
Strengthen journalists appreciation of labour rights
The Union helps media practitioners know their rights as workers and what to do when they feel their rights have been violated.
Legal representation of journalists during legal disputes.
The union provides legal support to members during labor disputes. Since the inception of this facility, ZUJ has handled over 20 cases, none of which was lost.
Training Opportunities
Workshops on trends in journalism
The world is ever-changing and journalists need to be on top of their game to keep their audiences well informed about the various intricate developments happening around them. So we offer capacity building programmes for our journalists so as to build their professionalism.
Reward for professionalism. ZUJ holds National Journalistic and Media Awards (NJAMA) where excelling journalists are rewarded for their exceptional input towards national development.
Industry Resources
The Union is actively involved in facilitating professional media conduct and content generating platforms such as press club discussions and media tours.
You also benefit from ZUJ programmes around journalistic safety issues, which include your right to operate in social and professional conditions that respect the need to be free of intimidation and undue influence.
So, by being a member of ZUJ, you will be helping to foster a united voice of journalists that secures, upholds, advocates and defends professionalism, labor rights and press freedom.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of a community that cares about you and your work. Join a ZUJ today!