The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) is one of the oldest unions in Southern Africa, and fosters a united voice among journalists that secures, upholds, advocates and defends professionalism, labour rights and press freedom.
Zimbabwe union of journalists

Programming Areas

The Zimbabwe Union of Journalists has various programming areas that it focuses on. These are highlighted and explained below:

01/ Advocacy

This comprises ongoing dialogue with the authorities to reduce animosity towards the media and help foster a favourable and friendly working media environment. This also includes engagement with employers to improve the welfare and labour rights of journalists and media workers.

02/ Training

ZUJ provides/facilitates training for its members in various thematic areas for the promotion of ethical and professional journalism. Currently ZUJ is carrying trainings on election-related and governance issues.


ZUJ has and continues to develop media training tools, manuals/apps on different issues that affect the media in Zimbabwe for use by mainstream media/journalists.

04/ Press Club Discussions

ZUJ Hosts Press Club dialogues on various thematic areas, including the role of media in targeted areas throughout the country to link the mainstream media with communities so as to share issues of community importance and have these published.

05/ Media Tours

The Union facilitates contact of mainstream media with communities for coverage of community stories through online platforms and community visits by mainstream media journalists. (The site visits are meant to be story generating platforms)

06/ National Awards

The Union hosts annual national awards for journalists across all mainstream media platforms

07/ Fellowships

ZUJ provides educational programing and professional development opportunities- local and international- for journalists in the mainstream media.

upcoming events

NJAMA Awards

The National Journalism and Media Awards (NJAMA) are an annual event coordinated by the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists in partnership with a number of Sponsors. The primary aim of the awards is to ensure journalistic and ethical conduct within the industry and to honour excellence in practice. This year the awards are under the theme “Ubuntu/Unhu”.

Zimbabwe Union of Journalists

What They Say

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Years Of Existence
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Current Members
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National Executive Members
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Become a member Today!

By being part of Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, you can also contribute to the advancement of journalism as a public service and a democratic institution. Don't miss this chance to be part of a community that cares about you and your work. Join ZUJ today!