I loved reading and I read anything and everything – books, magazines, pamphlets and even newspapers. My next favourite was writing. The idea of writing a book was not something / ever aspired to do, when I was growing up.
So I set my sights on being a journalist and from the age of 9, that’s all I ever wanted to be. I ate, drank and slept journalism, so when I finally got a job at The Sunday Mail, I was over the moon.
Finally my dream had come true.
I would be in the office by 7:30am and get to my desk ready for work. I was willing to cover any beat, just as long as I got to write.
I was shy and reserved so I went about my work quietly. I would try and learn from whoever I could. The most helpful person was my news editor and he pushed me hard – made me do research, he made me prepare well for interviews and he made me rewrite articles when they weren’t written well. He taught me to be a perfectionist.
I looked up to him, respected and most of all I valued his guidance and support.
So it took me by surprise when he first kissed my neck. I didn’t know what to do.
I respected his talent and competence. He had always treated me well…. until then!!!
I really didn’t know what to do. I was only 18-years-old and I was naive.
So I didn’t do anything and he just carried on – trying to kiss me – always on my neck. Cornering me in corridors and looking at me suggestively. I would find him behind me in the queue at the canteen even though I did not always go at the conventional meal times. I was so uncomfortable around him.
I asked one of my male friends to visit me at work and pretend he was my boyfriend. This stopped him but only for a while.
There was no one I felt I could talk to. What was worse was that I felt ashamed. I knew it was not my fault and I had not done or said anything for him to do this to me, but I still felt ashamed. I dressed appropriately – in fact I always dressed in pants and long tops so he could not use that excuse. I can’t explain why I felt so ashamed. That is why I could not and would not tell anyone.
I also didn’t think anyone would believe me. After all he was my boss and he was so well respected.
I finally left work after 9 months. I left before he could do anything worse.
The writer of this testimony would prefer to remain anonymous